Plan a European Holiday in 5 Easy Steps

........with steps within steps, of course!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Hassle-free Bookings to Stay Within Budget

Once your itinerary is ready, it is time to tackle the next task - booking your place of stay. Booking the rooms can be as simple or complicated as you want to make it. You will find a decent room as long as you book it well in advance. On the other hand, you can spend a great deal of time on the quest for an ideal stay. How much effort you want to put in and how particular you are about the rooms would decide your strategy. But irrespective...

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

How to Fly to Europe on a Budget

Once you have decided the rough itinerary, you can go ahead and buy the air tickets. The air tickets will be the single largest expenditure of your trip, costing nearly a quarter of your total budget. You can thus save a substantial amount by doing some research before buying them. So here are the four steps to get the best deal for the air tickets :- Where to Travel. When to travel. When to Book. Book. :-) Fly In Fly Out Locales The...